
Hand-made sterling silver jewelry
by Elisa Saucy and Rob Wiseman

Elisa Saucy has been pounding, bending, and playing with metal and fire for more than 29 years to create her line of artisan jewelry. For 10 years her partner Rob has joined forces in creating their jewelry lines from their studio located in the foothills of the Oregon coast range. They work in metal for its strength, ability to shape shift and transform into beauty. Silver and gold have a willingness to be altered, in both texture and form, making them exciting mediums to use in designing handmade jewelry. Their life stories come out in their pieces, some are raw and have an organic style when finished, others are minimalistic in nature and embrace delicacy. Their affirmation line of jewelry has been worn as talismans and purchased from people around the globe for over two decades! Take a moment to see how jewelry can speak to you.

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